
RESOL KM1, DL2, DL3 Firmware

Copyright (C) 2008-2018, RESOL - Elektronische Regelungen GmbH. All rights reserved.

Embedded in, or bundled with, our product are Open Source Software (OSS)
components. You may receive a copy of, distribute and/or modify any open
source code for the OSS component under the terms of their respective
licenses, which are printed here. In the event of conflicts between our license
conditions and the Open Source Software license conditions, the Open Source
Software conditions shall prevail with respect to the Open Source Software
portions of the software. You are permitted to modify proprietary components
originating from RESOL – Elektronische Regelungen GmbH and to engage in
reverse engineering for purposes of debugging such modifications, to the
extent such components are linked to libraries licensed under the GNU Lesser
General Public License. You are not permitted to distribute information
resulting from such reverse engineering or to distribute the modified
proprietary components.

Except in the cases stated above and in the legally permitted cases (in
particular in accordance with section 69e of the German Copyright Act), you
are not authorized to change, reverse-engineer, disassemble, or translate the
software or to extract parts of it.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; for details see Sec. 11 and 12 of the GNU General
Public License, Version 2.

You can obtain the source code of the software components on a data carrier,
provided that you send your request to the address mentioned below within 3
years after we have sold the product or as long as we offer support and spare
parts for the product:

        Subject: Request for "Source code RESOL DL2 Firmware 2.2.4 (201909120704)"

        RESOL – Elektronische Regelungen GmbH
        Heiskampstraße 10
        45527 Hattingen

and pay EUR 20,- for creating the data carrier.

Please name the version number of the firmware in your order. It can be found
in the Web interface, main menu About, sub-menu General, bottom area (e. g.:
"2.2.4 (201909120704)"). Per order, only one version number can be named.