Über: History

Version 2.2.4 (201909120704)

  • [FEATURE] Data download improvements

    A new and improved data download functionality is used if the browser supports the necessary technologies. Requires at least Microsoft Edge >= 16, Moziall Firefox >= 53, Google Chrome >= 57 or Apple Safari >= 11 to work.

Version 2.2.3 (201903061134)

  • [BUGFIX] JSON-RPC data transfer

    Fixed a bug that could cause assigning of wrong values while in JSON-RPC mode.

Version 2.2.2 (201804110803)

  • [FEATURE] Additional VBus devices implemented

    Added support for several RESOL and OEM devices. Updated built-in VSF to version 7.

  • [FEATURE] Faster parameterisation

    Significant improvements of transfer times when using large parameter sets on slow connections.

Version 2.2.1 (2017032911xx)

  • [BUGFIX] Database connection timeout

    Fixed a bug that caused the internal database connection to timeout after several minutes of inactivity resulting in several services not working any longer or as expected.

Version 2.2.0 (2016102107..)

  • [FEATURE] Uploadable firmware and VBus specification updates

    Updates of the device's firmware or its VBus specification can now be uploaded and applied using the device's web interface.

  • [FEATURE] Additional VBus devices implemented

    Added support for several RESOL and OEM devices.

Version 2.1.5 (20160208....)

  • [BUGFIX] password saving

    Fixed a bug that did not store the user password if a power outage occurred shortly after the password was changed.

  • [BUGFIX] Live Data

    Fixed a bug that prevented live data to be displayed for certain devices.

  • [FEATURE] Additional VBus devices implemented

    Added support for new devices, updated specs for some previous devices.

Version 2.1.4 (201507270824)

  • [BUGFIX] SSL communication

    A vulnerable SSL-library has been updated to a more secure version.

  • [BUGFIX] Improved VBus.net communication

    Connections to the VBus.net servers are more responsive now.

  • [BUGFIX] Memory leak

    A possible memory leak when exporting VBus data has been fixed.

  • [BUGFIX] Timezone settings

    Some timezone settings returned wrong offsets. These have been fixed.

  • [FEATURE] Additional VBus devices implemented

    Added support for the following devices: RESOL DeltaTherm HC mini and several OEM controllers.

Version 2.1.3 (201409260817)

  • [FEATURE] Pressure unit conversion in filters

    Filters can now be configured to convert pressure between units bar and psi.

  • [FEATURE] Additional VBus devices implemented

    Added support for the following devices: RESOL DeltaSol SLL, RESOL DeltaSol SLT and several OEM controllers.

  • [BUGFIX] Handling of corrupt recorded VBus data fixed

    If the recorded VBus data contained corrupt parts (especially at the end of the recordset) a download of this data could have resulted in an endless loop causing the download to never complete. This bug has been fixed.

Version 2.1.2 (201409100543 & 201409100544)

  • Internal release.

Version 2.1.1 (201402250743)

  • [FEATURE] Added KM1

    KM1 is now member of the DLx family.

Version 2.1 (201311280853)

  • [FEATURE] Unit conversion in filters

    Filters can now be configured to convert temperatures, heat energy and flow rate between several possible physical units.

  • [CHANGE] Filter links can no longer be placed in top or side bar or selected as the home page

    Filters have been changed to only be used to create views or download data. Filters can no longer be found in neither top nor side bar and have been removed from the "Data" page as well. If you still want to access data that has been processed by one of your filters, just create a customized view based on the filter and put the view's link in one of the bars or set it as the home page.

  • [FEATURE] Additional VBus devices implemented

    Added support for the following devices: RESOL DeltaSol SL, RESOL FK and several OEM controllers.

  • [FEATURE] Added Spanish and Italian translation
  • [FEATURE] New view template "Blank with Back button" added

    In addition to the two existing templates "Default" and "Blank" there is now an additional template "Blank with Back button" that behaves like the "Blank" template but includes a "Back" link in the upper left corner to get access to the homepage of the Datalogger.

  • [CHANGE] Improved date range selection on "Download" page

    The date picker widget on the "Download" page has been greatly improved. It has some predefined ranges to select from (e.g. "Last 7 days", "Yesterday", etc.). You can still download everything or specify a custom range.

  • [BUGFIX] Download data range selection fixed

    Several bugs caused the download to incorrectly respect the user-given date range. All those bugs have been fixed.

  • [BUGFIX] Erasing data success message fixed

    Erasing the recorded data using the Web interface did not display the correct success message. This bug has been fixed.

  • [BUGFIX] Failing transfers of large customized views fixed

    Customized views that exceeded several 10kB in size caused the connection to close unexpectedly. This bug has been fixed.

Version 2.0 (201306071253 & 201306130847)

  • [FEATURE] unified functionality for DL2/DL3

    Using a common code base of the DLx-family (VBus.net, web access etc.).